Posting Policy

Policy Governing Posting of Notices

The purpose of the posting policy is to facilitate effective communication for members of the Berkeley Law community, to provide abundant and fair access to audiences, to avoid visual blight and maintain an aesthetic environment consistent with our mission, and to avoid fire and safety hazards and excessive maintenance costs.  

All materials posted must comply with campus regulations and should contain event date(s) and contact information for the group or individual posting the material. 

Excessive posting is discouraged as it does not support Berkeley Law’s sustainability goals.

Approved Locations for Posted Notices

  • Members of the Berkeley Law community may post internal notices and posters on the large bulletin boards located in main corridors.  All postings must have the name of a Berkeley Law community member visible. 
  • Free standing sign holders that hold 8.5” x 11” signs (portrait orientation) are available throughout the building to the Berkeley Law community for the posting of notices and directional signs the day of event on a first come, first served basis. 
  • No commercial notices may be posted in the law building.
  • Postings may be removed after an event has occurred or after ten days of being posted.  

No-Post Areas

Notices may not be posted on walls, windows, doors, partitions, lockers, mailboxes, woodwork, elevators, restrooms, classrooms or other structural features of the law buildings. Notices posted outside authorized areas will be removed.

By order of the Fire Marshal, posting is not allowed anywhere on the ground floor including the Student Center.