Since Melissa Murray was named interim dean in March, Boalties from California to Germany to Japan have stepped up in support of this amazing institution. Whether it was participating in an admitted student gathering, alumni gala, center event, or the Sports & Law Conference, you have contributed to a new era of affinity for our community.
This response to our recent transition has been extraordinary, but truth be told, alums helped us achieve great things throughout the past school year.
Jesse Choper, beloved former dean and professor, lent his name to a $500,000 campaign to title a classroom in his honor. The community provided cash gifts and stock far exceeding our original goal—and donations continue to arrive.
Alumni Weekend 2015 welcomed more than 600 people, with reunion giving totaling $3.9 million. A significant percentage came from small contributions, proving that gifts of all sizes count.
Big Give, the university’s one-day global campaign in November, raised $188,000 for the law school, including $6,000 from our young alumni matching program fund. Berkeley Law placed ninth among all campus units, with centers and clinics participating for the first time.
Many of you have asked about the school’s greatest needs. Simply put: to lift alumni participation from 18 to 20 percent and to increase support for our students. This will help ensure that we continue attracting talented candidates regardless of personal means, give students crucial opportunities to gain practical experience, and enable new grads to launch careers in social justice and public service—or any field they choose.
But philanthropy is just one factor that will secure our future. Engaging with Berkeley Law—and with each other—has never been easier thanks to our Boalt Hall Alumni Association board, led by Nancy Fineman ’86 and John Kuo ’88, and to some recent technology improvements. In the coming year, we’ll introduce a new online portal with an alumni directory, careers corner, affinity group pages, class notes, and global events, to help alums interact with the school, the board, and each other.
In response to your feedback, this year’s reunion weekend—September 16 and 17— features faculty/alumni panels (MCLE credit) to highlight our high-impact research and influence, luncheon table talks and class dinners, Bay Area tours, and a tailgater before the Cal-Texas football game. Our last reunion for graduation classes ending in 1 and 6 had a modest attendance of 151. What better symbol of support than helping to quadruple that turnout—or better?
Over these recent eventful months, our community has shown itself to be conscientious, caring, and fearless. Thanks for all you do to help this school, and each other.
Sincere regards,
Amy Ambrose
Assistant Dean of Advancement