We have now posted the remaining OCIP research report — related to bidding results from last year’s OCIP — to our Fall 2010 OCIP website. You will now find there the full complement of OCI reports, which include:
a. Spreadsheet of 2010 OCIP Participants by Schedule (sorted alphabetically). This report is essentially a snapshot — as of 7-07-10 — of the OCIP information contained in b-Line. It contains interview date, employer name, phase, number of interview slots, office locations for which the employer is interviewing, and hiring contact information. This spreadsheet will not include any additions/cancellations that occurred (or will occur) after July 7th — the b-Line itself will always be your most up-to-the-minute source of OCIP information. You can sort the spreadsheet however you like and print it to use as a reference for those occasions when you do not have internet connectivity and therefore cannot access the b-Line. (NOTE: The organizing principle of this spreadsheet is an employer’s individual interview schedule, which may include more than one office location for that employer.)
b. Spreadsheet of 2010 OCIP Employers By Location — this list breaks out the schedules according to the locations of the various offices for which the employers are interviewing. Like the schedule spreadsheet, the information contained on this spreadsheet is a snapshot of the information contained in b-Line as of July 7th. Unfortunately, we lack the resources to update it each time an employer changes its schedule. b-Line, on the other hand, is continually updated. Accordingly, the b-Line ought to “govern” if you find it is in conflict with the information on this or any other of the more static spreadsheets.
c. Bidding, Callback, and Offer Data from OCIP 2009 — this table contains information about the number of bids employers received in 2009 as well as the numbers of callbacks and offers they extended (if an employer chose to provide us with that information). Among other things, this report will give you a kind of rough proxy for firms’ relative likely “popularity” (the number of students who bid on a firm obviously has an effect on the competitiveness of bidding for interviews with that firm) and relative “selectivity” (the ratio of screening interviews to callbacks). For more information about the bidding process and bidding strategy, consult the OCIP website, specifically the OCIP Mechanics webpage.
We have also included in this table information about summer class size for the last three years. Note that information about the size of the 2010 summer class is based on an estimate that firms submitted to NALP in February 2010 (which is why the column is entitled “2010 Expected”) — this is the most recent information available for Summer 2010.
d. List of OCIP Participating Public Interest and Public Sector Employers.
If you intend to pursue a public interest and/or government summer job search as a 2L, we hope you had a chance to review Linda Maranzana’s July 7th email on the subject, the contents of which you can find here. As you will see when you review the list, there are some public interest/public sector employers who have accepted our invitation to participate in OCI, but many decline. We encourage you to meet with either Linda Maranzana, Alex Lee, or Eric Stern (for government) to develop a broader, but more individually tailored job search strategy for these types of positions.
In addition to the above online resources, the CDO has prepared an updated version of the OCIP Grades Report. Due to its sensitive nature, it is being made available only in hard copy form in the CDO office in 290 Simon Hall. This report collects data from law firm questionnaires about the grade profiles of past summer associates. This report is generally of only limited usefulness because of the flatness of Boalt’s grading system (many firms simply responded “a mixture of Hs and Ps”). However, we offer it as yet another item of information that may tell you something about a firm’s relative selectivity. Your best method for obtaining information about how your grades should influence your bidding strategy will likely be via a call or appointment with one of our attorney-counselors (Marsha Rabkin, Sarah Cunniff or me), which we encourage you to do.
One last thing, which we might have mentioned before. Several of the firms that have decided not to come to campus this Fall have instead chosen to post job positions in the jobs section of b-Line. Announcements for such positions will continue to be posted there from now through the remainder of the year (and even beyond), so be sure to check regularly (at least weekly) for new listings.