Phase 1 Bidding Is Now Open
Bidding for Phase I OCIP employer interviews is now open. It will close on Tuesday, Aug. 17, at 5:00 p.m. sharp — the bids have to be processed and employers have to be given sufficient time to review the resumes of the students on their schedules (which start on Monday, Aug. 23), so there can be no exceptions to, or extensions of, this deadline. Remember you do not gain any advantage by submitting your bids early. However, do not wait until the last minute either (it may take longer than you think and there is always the possibility of unforeseen connectivity problems). You should print a copy of your bids for your records because you won’t have access to them once bidding closes. Likewise, you will not be able to make changes to any versions of the resumes you have attached to your Phase I bids after Tuesday, Aug. 17, 5:00 p.m.. For more information/tips about uploading your resume and bidding, see the OCIP Mechanics page of the CDO website.
You can find answers to common questions involving topics such as bidding for multiple offices of the same employer, the advisability of splitting, determining a reasonable number of bids, how to handle questions about grades, and lot’s of other things in our OCIP FAQ.
Class Conflicts
Remember to enter your conflicts (including your regular class schedule) — as best as you currently know them — for each day during OCIP in order to avoid interviews from being scheduled over them. To do this, you need to fill in successive screens, each of which represents a different week of OCIP. The first screen that appears after you click on the Class Schedules/Conflicts tab, applies only to the first week of OCIP (8/23-8/27). You need to enter your conflicts for these days and then press the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen. Then, you need to click on the forward arrow (to the right of the words “August 22-August 28”) to advance to the next screen, which applies to the next week of OCIP, repeat the process and continue to the next week. You need to enter all conflicts that will occur during a given week. The b-Line will not automatically repeat previously entered conflicts that reoccur on the same day of a subsequent week; so, for example, if you entered your regular Wednesday class schedule in the first screen pertaining to the first week in OCIP, b-line will not automatically populate the following Wednesdays with the same classes — you have to do each day individually.
To edit or delete a conflict that you have entered, move your cursor over the blue block until the cursor turns into a hand, indicating that you can click on the entry. Click your mouse to view the entry details. You can alter the entry and click the Submit button or, if you wish to delete the entry altogether, just click the delete button.
Effective Interviewing Webcasts and Guides
CDO has collected its interviewing skills resources on a single webpage, which you can view at the Career Development and Job Search Skills: Interviewing webpage. At a minimum, you should review the Detailed Interviewing Guide and at least one of the webcasts on the initial on-campus interviews well before the interviews begin on 8/23.
OCIP Attire
We bumped up a post we did last year about dressing for OCIP on our CDO Newswire listed under the Newsroom: Blogs webpage.
Partners in Leadership Spotlight Reception — Thursday, Aug. 26, 6:00 p.m.-7:30 p.m.
Kick off the fall recruiting season with this fantastic networking opportunity where you will meet alumni from firms that have truly made a commitment to shaping Berkeley Law’s future. The