Scholarship Search

Please use the following scholarship databases below to search for scholarships. Outside Agency Scholarships are a great source of funding for your legal education.

**Note: This is an updated Outside Agency Scholarships page.


Outside Scholarship Databases

  • The American Bar Association (ABA) offers 100+ funding opportunities sponsored by their various program entities which are dedicated to young and aspiring legal professionals. 
  • The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) provides a list of law school scholarships for prospective and current law students.
  • The AccessLex Scholarship Databank contains over 800 scholarship opportunities for law school students to fund their legal studies.
  • Big Future by the CollegeBoard offers numerous scholarships for students at all levels. Narrow your search by filtering for the “Postgraduate Law School” academic stage.
  • AdmissionsDean has one of the largest databases for law school students to browse for a variety of private scholarships.
  • Immigrants Rising provides a list of scholarships that do not require proof of U.S. citizenship. This is a great resource for undocumented students looking for funding resources for their legal education. 
  • allows students to easily discover and organize scholarship opportunities from their comprehensive list for better tracking purposes. 
  • Peterson’s is dedicated to providing educational services, which includes a scholarship searching tool filtered by school name, location, and/or area of study.
  • Fastweb instantly matches students with scholarship opportunities based on their unique profile.

Please note that federal financial aid regulations require that the total financial aid you receive, including outside scholarships, cannot exceed your student budget. If the amount of outside scholarships exceeds your total cost of attendance, your student loans may be reduced by the excess amount to ensure compliance. This rule applies only to students receiving federal or private student loans. If you only receive grants and scholarships, this regulation may not apply to you.