Thesis Advisor: Daniel Farber
Thesis Topic: The environment as a subject of rights: a means for achieving environmental peacebuilding in Colombia?
Research Interests: Environmental Law, Human Rights Law, Critical Legal Studies, Critical Race Theory
Biography: Natalia Urzola is an LL.M. candidate at Berkeley Law. Her research explores the relationship between environmental law and other areas of law, as well as its implications in the current peacebuilding process in Colombia.
Natalia’s practice focuses on environmental, constitutional and administrative law. Before joining the LL.M program, she worked as a law clerk for three Supreme Court Justices in a period of four years, and as the legal coordinator of an environmental law firm for another three. She was also the Pro Bono Coordinator of the law firm, where she had the opportunity to conduct research regarding the impunity of the assassination of environmental and human rights leaders in Colombia. This earned the law firm the Cyrus R. Vance Center for International Justice recognition in 2017.
At Berkeley Law, she earned the opportunity to serve as a Coblentz fellow with the Othering and Belonging Institute to work with the research team during the 2020 Spring semester.
Responsabilidad por daños al ambiente ante la falta de certeza del nexo causal: análisis de su impacto según la jurisprudencia contencioso administrativa (Environmental damages liability in the absence of certainty of a causal link: a case law analysis) Derecho Privado y Medio Ambiente: Homenaje a Fernando Hinestrosa, Universidad Externado de Colombia. (2017)
LL.B., Universidad de Cartagena (2010)
Specialization in Environmental Law, Universidad Externado de Colombia (2011)
LL.M., Universidad Externado de Colombia (2016)