Thesis Advisor: Jonathan Simon
Thesis Topic: Women’s Rights & Public Policy
Research Interests: Women’s Rights, Autistic Rights, Cultural Studies, Social Marketing, Constituent Power, Public Policy
Biography: Igor Pereira is a Ph.D. candidate at Rio de Janeiro State University, and an LL.M. candidate at UC Berkeley. He is writing a thesis on the intersection between women’s rights, public policy, and social marketing.
His thesis aims to explain the effectiveness of the criminal system and its human rights issues from a constitutional pragmatic perspective. From the study of trafficking in women for sexual exploitation, he wants to show how states can use preventive measures as a public policy strategy that could be more effective than traditional criminal sanctions.
Criminal Principles · Juspodivm Press 2012
Criminal Principles 2nd Ed. · Forum Press 2020
Traffic in Women: Routes and Stories · Fórum Press 2020 (forthcoming)
Public Policies to Combat Trafficking in Women for Sexual Exploitation: a comparative analysis of the 2015 and 2017 data report. Anais XIII Simpósio Nacional de Direito Constitucional, Curitiba, 2019
The Rape Crime in the Draft Criminal Code, Bulletin IBCCRIM, v. 246, 2013.
Asset recovery and international criminal cooperation: pragmatic criminal strategies for victims’ defense, assistance, and representation, Journal of the Faculty of Law Candido Mendes, v. 1, 2013.
The Law in Time of Terror, Journal of the Faculty of Law, Candido Mendes, v. 17, 2012.
The Triple Nature of Public Security, Juruá Newsletter, v. n. 519, 2011.
The Deconstruction of Legality at the Nuremberg Tribunal: An Opening for the Kairos of Forgiveness, Journal of the Faculty of Law of UERJ, v. 15, 2011.
The Principle of the Limit of the Last Historical Degree in Criminal Matters, Bulletin IBCCRIM, v. n. 219, 2011.
The deconstructive trail to criminal law and the indestructible justice, Journal of the Faculty of Law Candido Mendes, v. 16, 2011.
The constitution of friendship: an introduction to future politics. In: Vânia Siciliano Aieta. (Org.). Law of the City: Tomo II. 1ed.Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos, 2015.
The Criminal Law Calculation Machine. In: PEDRINHA, Roberta Duboc; FERNANDES, Marcia Adriana Oliveira. (Org.). Transdisciplinary Writings of Criminology, Law and Criminal Procedure. 1st. Rio de Janeiro: Revan, 2014.
The Fundamental Right to the Feminine: An Indisputable Question. In: Margarida Maria Lacombe Camargo; Cecili Caballero Lois; Gabriel Lima Marques. (Org.). Democracy and Jurisdiction: new Brazilian constitutional configurations. 1 st.Rio de Janeiro: Imo’s Gráf. and Ed., 2013.
Globalization, the World Social Forum, and the Altermundist Movement. In: XIV Seminar of Scientific Initiation of PUC- Rio, 2006, Rio de Janeiro. XIV Seminar of Scientific Initiation of PUC-Rio. Rio de Janeiro: Puc-Rio, 2006.
Michel Foucault: from the torture of the body to the deprivation of freedom of the spirit (IBCCRIM website). Bulletin IBCCRIM, 2010.
Notes on APAC – Association for Assistance and Protection of the Convicted (IBCCRIM website). Bulletin IBCCRIM, 2010.
Why bet on the Constitution? Jornal Bem Forte, Rio de Janeiro, v. 85, 04 Jun. 2013.
LL.M., University of California, Berkeley, School of Law (2020)
Ph.D. in Law, Rio de Janeiro State University, RJ (2020)
MBA – Management, Entrepreneurship & Marketing, Pontifical Catholic University, RJ (2019)
Master in Law, Rio de Janeiro State University, RJ (2012)
Bachelor of Law, Pontifical Catholic University, RJ (2008)