Remember 35 years ago, when…
The world’s first “test-tube” baby was born
Prop 13 passed in California to slow rising property taxes
Electronic bugs were found in U.S. embassy in Moscow
George Moscone and Harvey Milk assassinated in SF
Pete Rose had a hitting streak of 44 consecutive games
Begin and Sadat shared the Nobel Peace Prize
Jim Jones led a mass suicide of 914 followers in Guyana
Ted Bundy admitted to 28 murders
SCOTUS barred quotas in college admissions
“Annie Hall” won the Best Picture Oscar
Please plan to join us and participate in our Reunion at Back-to-Boalt Day for great panel presentations, tours of the new and renovated Boalt, and good food, good memories and good company at our Reunion class dinner.
Stuart Brotman
Matthew Fragner
Holly Fujie
Peter Goldsmith
James Grow
Louise Ing
Arthur Lazear
William Lowe
Robert Mark
Colbert Matsumoto
Lillian Miyasaki
Vivian O’Neal
Andrea Peterson
Linda Pierce
Joe Price
Robert Scarlett
Robert Whalen
Kurt Yeager
Steven Zieff
Reunion Gift Campaign
Please also give back to Boalt through our class gift campaign; simply click on the “Make a Gift” graphic, below, to be redirected to our secure payment site. Your Reunion gift or pledge demonstrates that Boalt alumni are committed to the continued growth and excellence of today’s students and tomorrow’s colleagues. Any gift you make between January 1 and December 31, 2013 counts toward the Reunion campaign and truly makes a difference.
Janet Alexander
Elizabeth J. Cabraser
Harold J. Evans
Holly J. Fujie
Louise K. Ing
Harris E. Kershnar
Michael Martinez
Colbert M. Matsumoto
George McNabb
Richard E. Meade
Charles R. Myers
Azike A. Ntephe
Andrea L. Peterson
Marcia Vandercook
Reunion Committee
Committee Members
Hon. Holly Fujie
Louise Ing
Joe Price
Steve Zieff
Interested in joining your class committee? Contact Kirsten Strobel at 510/643-9949 or
Lost Classmates
Please help us get back in touch! If you have any contact information for these classmates, please email
Christina F. Bleakley
Detlef J. Frenz
Nabil Ibrahim
Samuel Reece
Dante O. Tinga
Yu Yu-Yen
In Memoriam
James N. Baker
Kathleen Callahan-Anderson
Barbara J. Fort Jones
John Krautkraemer
Sarah K. Kraw
Christopher Ma
Donald A. McIsaac
Lorraine B. Moura
Loretta M. Norris
Leavy Oliver
Sharon D. Roseme
John A. Sodergren
Nancy J. Stivers
Eric A. Weinstein
Joel C. Weinstein
Rachel D. Young
William E. Zisko