Note to faculty: For questions or support related to Faculty Profiles, please email facultyprofiles@law.
Showing 609 Faculty Profiles
- Ramzi Abadou, Lecturer
- Sally Abel, Herma Hill Kay Lecturer
- Kathryn Abrams, Herma Hill Kay Distinguished Professor of Law
- Kara Acevedo, Lecturer
- Shilpi Agarwal, Lecturer
- Vinod K. Aggarwal, Distinguished Professor and Alann P. Bedford Endowed Chair, Department of Political Science | Affiliated Professor, Haas School of Business | Director of the Berkeley Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Study Center (BASC) | Fellow, Public Law and Policy Program, Berkeley Law
- Catherine Albiston, Jackson H. Ralston Professor of Law | Professor of Sociology | Faculty Director of the Center for the Study of Law and Society
- Justin Albstein, Lecturer
- Rudolph Alejo, Lecturer
- Gregory S. Alexander, Lecturer
- Shahira D. Ali, Lecturer
- Robin Allan, Professor of Legal Writing
- James A. Allison, Professor of Legal Writing
- David Almeling, Lecturer
- Ty Alper, Clinical Professor of Law | Co-Director, Death Penalty Clinic | Co-Director, Clinical Program
- Roxanna Altholz, Clinical Professor of Law | Director, Human Rights Clinic | Co-Director, Clinical Program
- Abhay Aneja, Professor of Law
- Veronica Aoki Santarosa, Professor of Law
- José Argueta Funes, Assistant Professor of Law
- Brittany Arsiniega, Visiting Professor of Law
- Marice Ashe, Lecturer
- Rita Astoor, Lecturer
- Abbye Atkinson, Professor of Law | Co-Faculty Director, Center for Law and Economic Justice
- Alan Auerbach, Robert D. Burch Professor of Law and Economics | Director, Robert D. Burch Center for Tax Policy and Public Finance
- Kenneth Ayotte, Robert L. Bridges Professor of Law
- Adam Badawi, Professor of Law
- Lila Bailey, Lecturer
- Andrew C. Baker, Assistant Professor of Law
- Merri A. Baldwin, Lecturer
Alina Ball, Clinical Professor of Law
Director, Social Enterprise Clinic - Kenneth A. Bamberger, The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation Professor of Law | Faculty Director, Berkeley Center for Law and Technology | Faculty Director, Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
- Jennifer Barnette, Lecturer
- Robert Barnsby, Visiting Faculty
- Randall Baron, Lecturer
- Jordan Barry, Visiting Faculty
- Jonathan Baum, Lecturer
- Rosa Bay, Co-Deputy Director, East Bay Community Law Center | Lecturer
- Louise Bedsworth, Executive Director, Center for Law, Energy & the Environment
- Milo Manopoulos Beitman, Lecturer
- Michael Belcher, Lecturer
- Stephanie Ben-Ishai, Visiting Professor of Law
- Cheryl Dyer Berg, Professor of Legal Writing | Director, Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing Program
- David H. Bernstein, Lecturer
- Alison Bernstein, Lecturer
- Erin Bernstein, Lecturer | Deputy City Attorney, City and County of San Francisco
- Robert C. Berring, Jr., Walter Perry Johnson Professor of Law, Emeritus
- Emily Berry, Professor of Legal Writing
- Stephen Berzon, Lecturer
- Eric Biber, Edward C. Halbach Jr. Professor of Law
- Sue Biglieri, Lecturer
- Scott Birkey, Lecturer
- Laura Bixby, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- David Bloch, Lecturer
- Anne Bloom, Executive Director, Civil Justice Research Initiative
- Carolyn Blum, Clinical Professor of Law (Emerita)
- Jared Bobrow, Lecturer
- Carrie Bonnington, Lecturer
- Chesa Boudin, Executive Director, Criminal Law & Justice Center
- Taylor Boutelle, Lecturer
- David Bowker, Lecturer
- Michael Bracamontes, Lecturer
- Darshan Brach, Lecturer
- Andrew Bradt, Shannon Cecil Turner Professor of Jurisprudence | Faculty Director, Civil Justice Research Initiative
- Richard Brand, Lecturer
- Rachel Brass, Lecturer
- Joseph Breyer, Lecturer
- Tess Bridgeman, Lecturer
- Khiara M. Bridges, Professor of Law
- Margaret Brogan, Lecturer
- James Brosnahan, Lecturer
- Janice Rogers Brown, Lecturer | Senior Fellow, Public Law & Policy Program | Senior Visiting Jurist, Public Law & Policy Program
- Maeve Elise Brown, Lecturer
- Tracie Brown, Lecturer
- Emily Bruce, Lecturer
- Noah Brumfield, Lecturer
- Bruce Budner, Lecturer
- Stephen Bundy, Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Daniel Burch, Lecturer
- Mireille Butler, Lecturer
- Hannah L. Buxbaum, Robbins Distinguished Visiting Professor
- Richard Buxbaum, Jackson H. Ralston Professor of International Law (Emeritus)
- Abraham Cable, Visiting Professor of Law
- Elizabeth Cabraser, Lecturer
- Matt Cain, Lecturer | Senior Fellow, Berkeley Center for Law and Business
- Kurt Calia, Lecturer
- Ronald Cami, Lecturer
- Stephanie Campos-Bui, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law | Co-Director, Policy Advocacy Clinic
- Betsy Candler, Lecturer
- Sean Caplice, Lecturer
- Karen Carrera, Lecturer
- David A. Carrillo, Lecturer in Residence | Executive Director, California Constitution Center
- Eric Casher, Lecturer
- Mónica Castillejos-Aragón, Lecturer
- Steve Castleman, Clinical Supervising Attorney, Environmental Law Clinic
- James (Jim) Cavallaro, Visiting Professor of Law
- Elena Chachko, Assistant Professor of Law
- Monami Chakrabarti, Lecturer
- Cynthia Chandler, Lecturer
- Erwin Chemerinsky, Dean | Jesse H. Choper Distinguished Professor of Law
- Tony Cheng, Lecturer
- Colleen Chien, Professor of Law | Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Steven Chizen, Lecturer
- Mario Choi, Lecturer
- Jesse Choper, Earl Warren Professor of Public Law (Emeritus)
- Christina Chung, Executive Director, Center for Law and Work
- Cameron D. Clark, Clinical Supervisor, Policy Advocacy Clinic
- Paul Clark, Lecturer
- Howard Clowes, Lecturer
- Judi Cohen, Lecturer
- Adam Cole, Lecturer
- Olivia Cole, Lecturer
- Robert Cole, Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Michelle Cole, Professor of Legal Writing
- Jodi L. Collova, Professor of Legal Writing | Director of LL.M. Legal Writing
- John Coons, Robert L. Bridges Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Robert Cooter, Herman F. Selvin Professor of Law | Co-Director, Law and Economics Program
- Nicholas Cotter, Lecturer
- Amy Craig, Lecturer
- James Creighton, Lecturer
- John W. Crittenden, Lecturer
- Catherine Crump, Robert Glushko Clinical Professor of Practice in Technology Law | Director, Samuelson Law, Technology and Public Policy Clinic | Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Karla Cruz, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- Jolina C. Cuaresma, Lecturer
- Theo Lorezco Cuison, Lecturer
- Hanoch Dagan, Elizabeth J. Boalt Professor in Law | Director, Berkeley Center for Private Law Theory
- Fan Dai, Lecturer
- Gabrielle Daley, Clinical Teaching Fellow, Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic
- Jan Dalhuisen, Visiting Professor of Law
- Meir Dan-Cohen, Milo Reese Robbins Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Hadar Dancig-Rosenberg, Visiting Professor
- Ryan Davis, Lecturer
- Seth Davis, Professor of Law
- Juliana DeVries, Clinical Staff Attorney, Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic
- James Dempsey, Lecturer
- Charles Denton, Christopher Edley, Jr. Lecturer
- Ben Depoorter, Visiting Professor
- Lothar Determann, Lecturer
- Dhammika Dharmapala, Professor of Law
- Diana DiGennaro, Lecturer in Residence | Director, Academic Skills Program
- John Diamond, Visiting Professor of Law
- Reza Dibadj, Visiting Professor of Law
- Andrew Dilworth, Lecturer
- Julie Divola, Lecturer
- Sharon Djemal, Lecturer
- William Dodge, Visiting Professor
- Andrea Dooley, Lecturer
- Mary Pat Dooley, Lecturer | Deputy District Attorney
- Holly Doremus, Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Research | James H. House and Hiram H. Hurd Professor of Environmental Regulation | Co-Director, Law of the Sea Institute | Co-Faculty Director, Berkeley Institute for Parks, People, and Biodiversity
- Neil Dugal, Lecturer
- Angela Dunning, Lecturer
- Daralyn Durie, Lecturer
- Stephen Duvernay, Lecturer
- Aaron Edlin, Richard W. Jennings Professor of Law | Professor of Economics | Faculty Director, Law, Economics, and Politics Center (LEAP) | Co-Director, Law and Economics Program
- Melvin Eisenberg, Jesse H. Choper Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Roy Eisenhardt, Lecturer
- Ofer Eldar, Professor of Law
- D’Lonra C. Ellis, Lecturer
- Catherine Engberg, Lecturer
- Helena Engfeldt, Lecturer
- Emily Epstein, Lecturer
- Pamela Erickson, Executive Director, Center for the Study of Law and Society
- Justin Erlich, Lecturer
- Jeslyn Everitt, Lecturer
- Tuong-Vi Faber, Lecturer
- Daniel Faessler, Lecturer
- Hanni Fakhoury, Lecturer
- Bill Falik, Lecturer
- Daniel Farber, Sho Sato Professor of Law | Faculty Director, Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment
- Sean Farhang, Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Professor of Law
- Kelly Fayne, Lecturer
- Malcolm Feeley, Claire Sanders Clements Dean's Professor of Law, Emeritus
- Daisy O. Felt, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- Jason L. Ferguson, Assistant Professor of Law
- William Fernholz, Jesse H. Choper Lecturer in Residence | Director, Appellate Program
- Jesse Finfrock, Lecturer
- Jay Finkelstein, Lecturer
- Noga Firstenberg, Lecturer
- Jill Fisch, Visiting Professor of Law
- Catherine Fisk, Barbara Nachtrieb Armstrong Professor of Law
- William Fitzpatrick, Lecturer
- Mark Flanagan, Lecturer
- Hannah Flanery, Lecturer
- William Fletcher, Richard W. Jennings Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Laurel E. Fletcher, Chancellor's Clinical Professor of Law | Co-Faculty Director, Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law | Director, Global Rights Innovation Lab Clinic
- Fernando Flores, Lecturer
- Herbert Fockler, Lecturer
- Paula Fog, Lecturer
- Jeremy Fogel, Executive Director, Berkeley Judicial Institute
- Paul Fogel, Lecturer
- David Forst, Lecturer
- Jenna N. Forster, Lecturer
- Simon Frankel, Lecturer
- Matthew Freedman, Lecturer
- Andrea Freeman, Visiting Assistant Professor of Law
- William Frentzen, Lecturer
- Jack Friedman, Lecturer
- Kathryn Fritz, Herma Hill Kay Lecturer
- Stavros Gadinis, George R. Johnson Professor of Law | Faculty Director of the Berkeley Center for Law and Business
- Ruben J. Garcia, Visiting Professor
- Norma P. García, Lecturer
- Cliff Gardner, Lecturer
- Elizabeth Garfinkle, Lecturer
- Andy Gass, Lecturer
- Jonah B. Gelbach, Herman F. Selvin Professor of Law
- Tracy Genesen, Lecturer
- Gregory Genske, Lecturer
- Beth George, Lecturer
- Mark Gergen, Robert and Joann Burch D.P. Professor of Tax Law and Policy
- Hilary Gevondyan, Lecturer
- Michelle Ghafar, Lecturer
- Stefanie Gitler, Lecturer
- Alisa Givental, Lecturer
- Jonathan D. Glater, Professor of Law | Associate Dean, J.D. Curriculum and Teaching | Faculty Director of the Center for Consumer Law & Economic Justice
- Rebecca Golbert, Executive Director, Helen Diller Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies
- Rose Carmen Goldberg, Lecturer
- Rebecca Goldstein, Assistant Professor of Law
- Rafael Gomez-Cabrera, Lecturer
- Meghan Gordon, Lecturer
- Alexandra Robert Gordon, Lecturer
- Jonathan S. Gould, The Class of 1965 Professor of Law
- Mohit Gourisaria, Lecturer
- TJ Grayson, Clinical Supervisor, Policy Advocacy Clinic
- Delaney Green, Clinical Supervisor, Policy Advocacy Clinic
- Jillian Grennan, Visiting Assistant Professor of Law, Business, and Public Policy
- David Singh Grewal, Professor of Law
- Evelio Grillo, Lecturer
- Ora Grinberg, Lecturer
- Kathleen Grinold, Lecturer
- Joseph Grodin, Visiting Professor of Law
- Seth Grossman, Lecturer
- Pratheepan Gulasekaram, Visiting Professor
- Shirish Gupta, Lecturer
- Randall Guynn, Lecturer
- Rohini Haar, Lecturer
- Jill Habig, Lecturer
- Assaf Hamdani, Visiting Professor of Law
- Patrick Hammon, Lecturer
- Ian Haney López, Chief Justice Earl Warren Professor of Public Law (Emeritus)
- Kelley Harrington, Lecturer
- David Hausman, Assistant Professor of Law
- Erika Heath, Lecturer
- Henry Hecht, Herma Hill Kay | Senior Continuing | Lecturer in Residence
- Thelton E. Henderson, Visiting Professor of Law
- Peter Henning, Visiting Professor of Law
- Scotia Hicks, Lecturer
- George Higgins, Lecturer
- Sharon Hing, Lecturer
- Christopher Hockett, Lecturer
- Kinch Hoekstra, Professor of Law | Faculty Director, Kadish Center for Morality, Law and Public Affairs
- Marci Hoffman, Lecturer in Residence | Director, Law Library
- Kristen Holmquist, Teaching Professor of Law | Faculty Director, Experiential Education
- Jeff Homrig, Lecturer
- Chris Hoofnagle, Faculty Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology | Professor of Law in Residence
- Eneda Hoxha, Lecturer
- Patricia Plunkett Hurley, Herma Hill Kay Lecturer in Residence | Professor of Legal Writing
- Cathy Hwang, Visiting Faculty
- Ariella Hyman, Lecturer
- Tomer Inbar, Lecturer
- Robert Infelise, Christopher Edley, Jr., Lecturer
- Brian Israel, Lecturer
- Hana Ivanhoe, Lecturer
- Ellen Ivens-Duran, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- Todd Jackson, Lecturer
- Robert J. Jackson, Jr., Visiting Professor of Law
- Sam Jacobs, Lecturer
- Tilman Jacobs, Lecturer
- Sharon Jacobs, Professor of Law
- Seth Jaffe, Lecturer
- Marc S. Janowitz, Lecturer
- David Jargiello, Lecturer
- Kate Jastram, Christopher Edley, Jr. Lecturer
- Areeba Jibril, Clinical Teaching Fellow
- Stephen Johnson, Lecturer
- Jennifer Johnson, Lecturer
- Thomas Jorde, Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Courtney Joslin, Visiting Professor
- Robert A. Kagan, Professor of Law (Emeritus) | Professor of Political Science (Emeritus) | Email: | |
- Hanno Kaiser, Lecturer
- Shazzy Kamali, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- Radhika Kapoor, Clinical Supervising Attorney, Human Rights Clinic
- Alice Kaswan, Visiting Professor of Law
- Sonia Katyal, Associate Dean, Faculty Development and Research | Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology | Roger J. Traynor Distinguished Professor of Law
- Mallika Kaur, Lecturer
- William Kell, Herma Hill Kay Lecturer in Residence
- David S. Kemp, Lecturer
- Kevin Kennedy, Lecturer
- Helen Kerwin, Clinical Supervising Attorney, Human Rights Clinic
- Maureen Kildee, Lecturer
- Esther L. Kim, Lecturer
- Jay Kim, Co-Deputy Director, East Bay Community Law Center
- Andrew Kim, Lecturer
- Jasper Kim, Lecturer
- Christine A. Klein, Visiting Professor of Law
- Mike Knobler, Lecturer
- David Knotts, Lecturer
- Alexa Koenig, Research Professor of Law | Co-Faculty Director, Human Rights Center
- Janice Kosel, Jesse H. Choper Lecturer
- Arlene Kostant, Lecturer
- Shailika Shah Kotiya, Lecturer
- David Krashna, Lecturer
- Linda Hamilton Krieger, Visiting Professor
- Prasad Krishnamurthy, Professor of Law
- Kerry S. Kumabe, Professor of Legal Writing
- Christopher Kutz, C. William Maxeiner Distinguished Professor of Law
- Jonathan Laba, Lecturer
- Andrew Lah, Lecturer
- Judah Lakin, Lecturer
- Em Landon, Lecturer
- Sabyl Landrum, Lecturer
- Tamara Lange, Lecturer
- Jocelyn Larkin, Lecturer
- Sarah Laubach, Professor of Legal Writing
- Judd Lauter, Lecturer
- Joseph Lavitt, Continuing Lecturer
- Erin Le, Lecturer
- Mark LeHocky, Lecturer
- Samantha Lee, Clinical Supervisor, Policy Advocacy Clinic
- Christina H. Lee, Lecturer
- Mollie Lee, Lecturer
- Jonathan Lee, Lecturer
- Nicole Lehtman, Director, University of California Washington D.C. Law Program (UC/DC) | Lecturer in Residence
- Emily Leiderman, Lecturer
- Nancy Lemon, Herma Hill Kay Lecturer
- Michael Levy, Christopher Edley, Jr. Lecturer in Residence | Associate Director, Law Library
- Jeffrey Lewis, Lecturer
- Linda Lichter, Lecturer
- Kyra Lilien, Lecturer
- Doreen Lilienfeld, Lecturer
- Katherine Lin, Lecturer
- Yvette Lindgren, Visiting Faculty
- Elizabeth M. Link, Lecturer
- Katerina Linos, I. Michael Heyman Professor of Law | Co-Faculty Director, Miller Institute for Global Challenges and the Law
- Erin Liotta, Lecturer
- Adam Lioz, Lecturer
- Steven Lipin, Lecturer
- Brynly Llyr, Lecturer
- Greg Loarie, Lecturer
- Clara Long, Lecturer
- Jose Lopez, Lecturer
- Ariel Love, Lecturer
- Kristin Luker, Elizabeth Josselyn Boalt Professor of Law (Emerita) | Professor of Sociology | Faculty Director, Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice
- Susan Mac Cormac Taylor, Lecturer
- Olga V. Mack, Lecturer
- Clare Maier, Lecturer
- Sonali Maitra, Lecturer
- Jannah Manansala, Lecturer
- Maya Manian, Visiting Professor
- Paul Marchegiani, Lecturer
- Jessica Mark, Lecturer
- Allan T. Marks, Lecturer
- Jonathan Marshall, Assistant Dean, Legal Studies Program
- Kristin Martin, Lecturer
- Suzanne Martindale, Lecturer
- Sierra Martinez, Lecturer
- Craig Masback, Lecturer
- Jai Massari, Lecturer
- Manoj Mate, Visiting Associate Professor of Law
- Grady Mathai-Jackson, Lecturer
- Laurent Mayali, Distinguished Lloyd M. Robbins Professor of Law | Faculty Director, Comparative Legal Studies Program | Faculty Director, Robbins Religious and Civil Law Collection
- Ross D. Mazer, Lecturer
- Courtney McCausland, Lecturer
- Charles McClain, Jr., Lecturer in Residence
- Barbara G. McClung, Lecturer
- Jason Meek, Lecturer
- Sonal Mehta, Lecturer
- Richard Mendelson, Director, Wine Law and Policy Program | Senior Research Fellow, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Janely Mendoza, Lecturer
- Peter Menell, Koret Professor of Law | Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Nazune Menka (Koyukon Athabascan & Lumbee), Executive Director for the Center for Indigenous Law &Justice (CILJ)
- Robert Merges, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Professor of Law | Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Ted Mermin, Lecturer | Executive Director, Center for Consumer Law and Economic Justice
- Candis Mitchell, Lecturer
- Saira Mohamed, Agnes Roddy Robb Chair in Jurisprudence, Ethics, and Social Responsibility | Professor of Law
- Niki Moore, Lecturer
- Mallory Morales, Lecturer
- Calvin Morrill, Stefan A. Riesenfeld Distinguished Professor of Law | Professor of Sociology
- Heather M. Moss, Lecturer
- Deirdre Mulligan, Professor, School of Information | Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Lindsay Nako, Lecturer
- Tejas N. Narechania, Professor of Law | Faculty Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Burt Neuborne, Visiting Professor
- Larissa Neumann, Lecturer
- Jeffrey Newman, Lecturer
- Doris Ng, Lecturer
- Adam Nguyen, Lecturer
- Desiree Nguyen Orth, Lecturer
- Cynthia Nguyen Ruff, Lecturer
- Brigitte Nicoletti, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- Savala Nolan, Executive Director, Thelton E. Henderson Center for Social Justice
- Vernon Norviel, Lecturer
- Jessica Notini, Lecturer
- Nuri Nusrat, Lecturer
- Osagie K. Obasogie, Haas Distinguished Chair | Professor of Law | Professor of Bioethics
- Stephen Oetgen, Lecturer
- David Oppenheimer, Clinical Professor of Law | Faculty Co-Director, Pro Bono Program | Director, Berkeley Center on Comparative Equality and Anti-Discrimination Law
- Asaf Orr, Lecturer
- Rebecca Oyama, Director, East Bay Community Law Center Clinical Program | Lecturer
- Manisha Padi, Assistant Professor of Law
- Spencer Pahlke, Lecturer | Associate Attorney, Walkup Melodia
- Eugene Park, Lecturer
- Julian W. Park, Lecturer in Law | Senior Research Fellow, Korea Law Center
- Frank Partnoy, Adrian A. Kragen Professor of Law
- Angeli Patel, Executive Director, Berkeley Center for Law and Business
- Seema N. Patel, Lecturer
- Gus Patel-Tupper, Clinical Supervisor, Policy Advocacy Clinic
- Suma Peesapati, Lecturer
- Ted W. Pelletier, Lecturer
- Dylan C. Penningroth, Professor of Law and Alexander F. and May T. Morrison Professor of History | Associate Dean, Program in Jurisprudence and Social Policy / Legal Studies
- Mark Perlow, Lecturer
- Timothy Perry, Lecturer
- Richard Perry, Lecturer in Residence
- Andrea Peterson, Professor of Law (Emerita)
- Ioana Petrou, Lecturer
- Melissa Phatharanavik, Lecturer
- Mindy Phillips, Lecturer
- Marc Pilotin, Lecturer
- Chad Pimentel, Lecturer
- Victoria Plaut, Director, Culture, Diversity & Intergroup Relations Lab | Claire Sanders Clements Dean's Professor of Law
- Anna Pletcher, Lecturer
- Zoë Polk, Executive Director, East Bay Community Law Center
- Elizabeth Pollman, Visiting Faculty
- Claudia Polsky, Clinical Professor of Law | Director, Environmental Law Clinic
- Roni Pomerantz, Lecturer
- Alan Pomerantz, Lecturer
- Neil Popovic, Frank C. Newman Lecturer
- Ariel Porat, Visiting Professor of Law
- John A. Powell, Professor of Law | Professor of African American Studies and Ethnic Studies | Robert D. Haas Chancellor's Chair in Equity and Inclusion | Director, Othering & Belonging Institute
- Tarah Powell-Chen, Lecturer
- Anya Prince, Lecturer
- Hunter Pyle, Lecturer
- Asad Rahim, Assistant Professor of Law
- Jed Rakoff, Lecturer
- Eric Rakowski, Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Mridula Raman, Deputy Director, Death Penalty Clinic
- Ann Ravel, Lecturer
- Diana S. Reddy, Assistant Professor of Law
- Ann Marie Reding, Professor of Legal Writing
- Amnon Reichman, Visiting Associate Professor of Comparative Civil Law
- Charles Reichmann, Continuing Lecturer
- Edward Reines, Lecturer
- Susan Reinstra, Lecturer
- Mark Reinstra, Lecturer
- Hon. Benjamin T. Reyes II, Lecturer
- Charles Rice, Lecturer
- Abigail Rich, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- Eric N. Richardson, Lecturer
- Laura Ridolfi, Lecturer
- Laura Riley, Assistant Dean, Clinical Education
- Russell Robinson, Walter Perry Johnson Professor of Law | Faculty Director, Center on Race, Sexuality & Culture
- Dena M. Roche, Lecturer
- Arneta Rogers, Executive Director of the Center on Reproductive Rights and Justice
- Stephen Rosenbaum, Frank C. Newman Lecturer
- David Rosenfeld, Lecturer
- Jacqueline Ross, Visiting Faculty
- Antonio Rossmann, Christopher Edley, Jr. Lecturer
- Andrea Roth, Professor of Law and Barry Tarlow Chancellor's Chair in Criminal Justice
- Valentina Rozo Angel, Clinical Supervisor, Global Rights Innovation Lab Clinic
- Whitney Rubenstein, Lecturer
- Daniel Rubinfeld, Robert L. Bridges Professor of Law (Emeritus) | Professor of Economics (Emeritus)
- Elaine Rushing, Lecturer
- Ramaah Sadasivam, Lecturer
- Lindsay Sturges Saffouri, Herma Hill Kay Lecturer in Residence | Professor of Legal Writing
- Kristen Law Sagafi, Lecturer
- Masua Sagiv, Visiting Assistant Professor
- Bruno Meyerhof Salama, Lecturer
- Pamela Samuelson, Richard M. Sherman Distinguished Professor of Law | Professor of School Information | Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Joel Sanders, Lecturer
- Kristin M. Sangren, Lecturer
- Marc Santamaria, Lecturer
- Michael Saretsky, Lecturer
- Daniel Schacht, Lecturer
- Michael Schallop, Lecturer
- Steven Schatz, Lecturer
- Susan Schechter, Lecturer in Residence | Director, Field Placement Program | Faculty Co-Director, Pro Bono Program
- Harry Scheiber, Stefan A. Riesenfeld Professor of Law and History (Emeritus) | Chancellor's Emeritus Professor | Faculty Director, Institute for Legal Research
- Allison A. Schmitt, Lecturer | Fellow and Director, BCLT Life Sciences Law & Policy Center
- Peter Schuck, Visiting Professor of Law
- Andrew Schwartz, Lecturer
- Lois Schwartz, Lecturer
- Paul Schwartz, Jefferson E. Peyser Professor of Law | Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Talia Schwartz Maor, Lecturer
- Janea A. Scott, Lecturer
- Adam Sechooler, Lecturer
- Kim Thuy Seelinger, Lecturer | Director, Human Rights Center Sexual Violence Program
- Vijay Sekhon, Lecturer
- Jeffrey Selbin, Chancellor's Clinical Professor of Law | Faculty Director, Policy Advocacy Clinic
- Elisabeth Semel, Chancellor’s Clinical Professor of Law | Co-Director, Death Penalty Clinic
- Ayelet Shachar, Irving G. and Eleanor D. Tragen Professor of Law
- Julie Shackford-Bradley, Lecturer
- Bijal Shah, Visiting Professor
- Roy Shapira, Visiting Associate Professor
- Martin Shapiro, Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Carla Shapreau, Continuing Lecturer
- Astha Sharma Pokharel, Clinical Teaching Fellow, International Human Rights Law Clinic
- Devan Shea, Deputy Director, Policy Advocacy Clinic
- Zenichi Shishido, Visiting Professor of Law
- Matthew Show, Lecturer
- Marjorie Shultz, Professor of Law (Emerita)
- Evonne M. Silva, Lecturer
- Laurel Simmons, Lecturer
- Jonathan Simon, Lance Robbins Professor of Criminal Justice Law
- Jerome Skolnick, Claire Sanders Clements Dean's Chair Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Brian Slocum, Visiting Professor
- Candy Smallwood, Lecturer
- Charles Smiley, Lecturer
- Winifred Younge Smith, Lecturer
- Todd Smithline, Lecturer
- Steven Davidoff Solomon, Alexander F. and May T. Morrison Professor of Law
- Asa Solway, Lecturer
- Sabita J. Soneji, Lecturer
- Sarah Song, The Milo Rees Robbins Chair in Legal Ethics Professor of Law | Professor of Philosophy and Political Science
- Joe Sorenson, Lecturer
- Miguel Soto, Lecturer
- Cancion Sotorosen, Lecturer
- Matthew Specter, Lecturer
- Shanin Specter, Lecturer
- Mai Linh Spencer, Lecturer
- Adrienne Spiegel, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- Katie Spielman, Lecturer
- John Sprankling, Visiting Professor
- Wayne Stacy, Executive Director, Berkeley Center For Law & Technology
- Erik Stallman, Assistant Clinical Professor of Law | Associate Director, Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic
- Jennifer Stanley, Lecturer
- John Steele, Jesse H. Choper Lecturer
- Adam Sterling, Assistant Dean, Executive Education and Revenue Generation
- Rachel Stern, Professor of Law and Political Science
- Cheryl A. Stevens, Lecturer
- Nadine Stocklin, Lecturer
- Eric Stover, Research Professor of Law | Co-Faculty Director, Human Rights Center
- Emily Strauss, Visiting Professor of Law
- Matt Swanson, Lecturer
- Shalini Swaroop, Lecturer
- Talha Syed, Lecturer
- Yasmine Tager, Clinical Teaching Fellow, Policy Advocacy Clinic
- Alexander Talarides, Lecturer
- Shauhin Talesh, Visiting Professor
- Linda Tam, Professor of Legal Writing
- Anne Tamar-Mattis, Lecturer
- Michal Tamir, Visiting Associate Professor
- Paul Tanaka, Lecturer
- Urmila Taylor, Professor of Legal Writing
- Yoana Tchoukleva, Lecturer
- Tamar Todd, Lecturer
- David Tollen, Lecturer
- Christopher Tomlins, James W. and Isabel Coffroth Professor of Law
- Rick Trachok, Lecturer
- John Trinidad, Lecturer
- Michael Trujillo, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- Chelsea Tu, Lecturer
- Amanda L. Tyler, Thomas David & Judith Swope Clark Professor of Constitutional Law
- Atasi Uppal, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- Jennifer Urban, Clinical Professor of Law | Director of Policy Initiatives, Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic | Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Julia Ushakova-Stein, Lecturer
- Bijal Vakil, Lecturer
- Molly Van Houweling, Harold C. Hohbach Distinguished Professor of Patent Law and Intellectual Property | Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Kathleen Vanden Heuvel, Adjunct Professor of Law | Director, Law Library
- Zelda Vassar, Lecturer
- Jeremy Veit, Lecturer
- Matt Vespa, Lecturer
- Jan Vetter, Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Paul Vizcarrondo, Lecturer
- Monica Voicu Denniston, Lecturer
- Leti Volpp, Robert D. and Leslie Kay Raven Professor of Law in Access to Justice
- Quynh Vu, Lecturer
- Bruce Wagman, Lecturer
- Asher Waite-Jones, Clinical Supervisor, Policy Advocacy Clinic
- Dan Wall, Lecturer
- Sophia Wang, Clinical Supervising Attorney
- Cecillia Wang, Lecturer
- David Ward, Lecturer
- Greg Washington, Lecturer
- Ashley Weinstein-Carnes, Lecturer
- Charles Weisselberg, Faculty Director, Sho Sato Program in Japanese and U.S. Law | Yosef Osheawich Professor of Law
- Leecia Welch, Lecturer
- Neil Wertlieb, Lecturer
- Rebecca Westerfield, Lecturer
- Rebecca Wexler, Hoessel-Armstrong Professor of Law | Faculty Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
- Jeffrey White, Jesse H. Choper Lecturer
- Susan R. Whitman, Assistant Dean for Academic Planning
- Jessica Whytock, Associate Dean of the Law Library | Research Professor of Law
- Lori Will, Visiting Professor of Law
- Amalia Wille, Lecturer
- Basil Williams, Lecturer
- Jamie Williams, Lecturer
- Barry Winograd, Jesse H. Choper Lecturer
- Natalie Winters, Lecturer | Director, Advocacy Competitions Program
- Hermine Wong, Lecturer
- Jarrod Wong, Visiting Professor
- George Woods, Lecturer
- Sarah Wright-Schreiberg, Lecturer | Director, Advocacy Competitions Program
- Margaret Wu, Professor of Legal Writing
- Lynn Wu, Lecturer
- Irene Yang, Lecturer
- Gloria Yi, Lecturer
- Seval Yildirim, Visiting Professor of Law
- Sunshine Yin, Lecturer
- John Yoo, Emanuel S. Heller Professor of Law | Faculty Director, Korea Law Center | Faculty Director, Public Law & Policy Program
- Susan Yorke, Lecturer
- Linda Yu, Lecturer
- Mark Yudof, UC President Emeritus, Professor of Law (Emeritus)
- Aaron Zamost, Lecturer
- David Zapolsky, Lecturer
- Nikki Zeichner, Lecturer
- Mark Zemelman, Lecturer
- Emily Rong Zhang, Assistant Professor of Law
- Scott Zimmermann, Lecturer
- Franklin Zimring, William G. Simon Professor of Law (Emeritus) | Faculty Director, Criminal Justice Studies
- Elizabeth Zirker, Lecturer
- Maiya Zwerling, Clinical Supervisor, Senior Campaign Advisor